For a given shape defined by a set of contours, MedialDistance computes and stores the distance from the vertices of a shape to a polygon passing through the centers of each of the contours.
For a given shape defined by a set of contours, MedialDistance computes and stores the distance form the vertices of a shape to a polygon passing through the centers of each of the contours.
System Requirements
Portable java executable make compilation unnecessary.
Installation InstructionsCopy java executable 'jar' file to local disk.
For a shape that is defined by contours (Ucf only), the medial polygon is computed. This is defined as the polygon whose vertices are the centers of each contour. The distance from each point in the shape to this medial polygon is then computed and saved as an attribute of the shape.
There are several options for the algorithm. The user can specify different output formats, different metrics (how the distance is computed), and different distance measuring procedures (which points are used to compute the distance). The user can specify a name to be associated with the distance data attribute.