
The DXJava is a collection of Java classes that enable Java programmers to read and write OpenDX general format files.


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Java - Version 1.0.0

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  • Allows Java programmers to read and write OpenDX "general format" data files. The ability to read and write this flexible file format greatly extends the interoperability of a program.
  • DXJava is portable to many architectures including: Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Irix and Sun.
  • The ability to rely on OpenDX for data visualization affords many data display possibilities to an end user and prevents users from re-inventing a tool that already has been written.


The DXJava library is a collection of Java classes which enable Java programmers to read and write OpenDX general format files.

OpenDX is a commonly used, public domain, visualization tool whose data model is able to represent a wide variety of data sets. It is difficult to read and write it's data files unless you are using the OpenDX tool , or its libraries, which are written in the C programming language.

The CCB DXJava library is a platform neutral library providing low level access to read and write OpenDX "general format" data files.

This library contains Java classes which model the core data structures used by the DXJava library: data Arrays and data Fields. Data Arrays are arrays of tensors (which include as special cases the commonly used data items of individual numbers (scalars), 1 dimensional arrays of numbers (vectors) and multidimensional number arrays (matrices). This library supports Java integers, doubles and floats and the OpenDX integer , float and double data types. scalars, vectors of scalars, and vectors of vectors (matrices) are supported (but not rank 2 tensors). Data Arrays are treated as independent data objects, whose dependencies upon one another are stored in the data file as one or more data Attributes.

Basic support for reading and writing OpenDX files is provided via classes which read and write Java ImageInputStreams and ImageOutputStreams.

System Requirements


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Size: 1.17 Mb
  • OS: any
  • Processor: any
  • Memory: 100 Mb
  • Software: Java 1.4.1 (or higher) interpreter


Java library jar files need not be compiled.

Copy java library 'jar' file to lodal disk. Add this jar file to your java program class path.

Example: javac - classpath .:DXJava.jar YourJavaClass.java


The DXxJava library allows a java programmer to read and write OpenDX files. With this capability is added to a data analysis program, users of that program can utilize the powerful OpenDX visualization tool to view their data.

DXJava will run on any computer that supports Java v1.4.1 (or greater).